Saturday 20 November 2010

traces of witchcraft in the city

 During my walks around Sao Paulo city, I have been getting better and better at noticing the signs of ritual activity. Practisioners of Candomble or Umbanda ( more usual in South Brazil) are often paid large sums of money to carry out ceremonies usually involving sacrafices or offerings by private individuals for a variety of different reasons. With my trusty little camera, I've been able to take some pictures.

 offerings left beneath a tree

Ideograph made from beer-bottle tops embedded in the ground. Probably the sign for Exu (sometimes written 'Eshu') . Exu is the trickster god, the orixa connected with roads, ways and decisions. He is the orixa that I have had to deal with more often than others in my life so itt's probbaly a god idea giving him an honourable mention early on in this blog.

A miniture coffin put under the cementary gates surrounded by popcorn, which is a food normally offered to Omolu (also called Obaluaie or Babalu Aye). Omolu, who is the patron saint of thsi blog, is the orixa most connected with healing and illness.

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